Annual EVENT
COPE Weekend
COPE Weekend was created in 2021 as a means of helping Cleveland-area students prepare to transition back to in-person learning after nearly two years of virtual learning. Last year, we empowered 50+ Cleveland youth to improve communication skills, build self-confidence, and adopt healthy ways of coping with life’s daily stressors before returning to school.
During this free, three-day event (in which all supplies and materials will be provided), students learned various methods of healthy coping through physical movement & artistic expression, connected with grassroots organizations providing support through the school year, and given school supplies and Coping Boxes.
Today’s youth.
Tomorrow’s leaders.
Giving Hope One Box at a Time
Since October 2020, Project Coping Box has provided over 2000 Ohio youth with tools to improve communication skills, build self-confidence, and adopt healthy coping strategies for life's daily stresses. Students find the Coping Boxes exciting and useful, as parents reported youth have shared crisis hotline and other info with their friends when suicide and depression is mentioned in their circles. Coping Boxes are teaching youth to prioritize mental wellness and where to get help.

Supporting mental health education and giving hope.
Portable Coping Box helps children process emotions
Allen the founder of the non-profit organization The Missing Link, C.O.P.E Inc. and created Project Coping Box to help.
CLEnagers Interview
Cora interviews Laylah Allen, the creator of Project Coping Box. Project Coping Box is a non-profit based in the Cleveland area to help the youth cope with their mental health. Cora asks Laylah some questions on the creation of Project Coping Box and its impact on the youth of Cleveland. Listen to the Podcast episode for this interview anywhere you listen to podcasts.
COPE Weekend helps Ohio students deal with stress, anxiety from returning to school
Three days of unique strategies will help students address anxiety over returning to the classroom in the wake of the pandemic
A conversation with NLI Healthy Communities
Discussing youth mental health, program dynamics, and more!